Care for Adults with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities - In-home care in Williamsport , PA

If you have a child or teenager with physical or intellectual disabilities, their need for care won’t change once they reach adulthood. Unfortunately, many young adults with disabilities often struggle with a medical system that is ill-prepared to meet their unique needs once they leave the realm of pediatrics. In-Home Care in Williamsport can help your loved ones meet their needs at home and in managing their overall health.

Meeting the Daily Needs of Adults with Disabilities

Several health conditions can leave adults struggling to live independently. They may have a physical disability or live with Down syndrome, autism, or a traumatic brain injury. They could have a mental health diagnosis that severely affects their ability to meet their day-to-day needs and responsibilities. For these adults, in-home care services help with things like, 

  • Bathing & other personal care
  • Dressing
  • Cooking & feeling
  • Transportation, shopping, & other errands
  • Paying bills
  • Medicine monitoring
  • Companionship & emotional support
In-home care in Williamsport , PA

In-Home Care in Williamsport- Respite for Family Caregivers

Many adults with disabilities continue to receive care from the same family members who cared for them growing up. These relationships are strong and essential to their emotional and mental well-being. Often, however, the caregivers need time for themselves. They may have doctor’s appointments or other obligations they need time for, and sometimes they need time to refresh and see to their self-care and well-being. Home health care provides family caregivers the respite they need to meet responsibilities or refresh themselves. 

An Advocate and Guide Through the Medical System

Families are often surprised to learn how challenging it can be to find adequate healthcare for their adult family members with disabilities. While pediatric doctors are well-versed in handling patients who may not be able to communicate their needs or ailments, training for adult-care doctors is lacking. 

Patients with intellectual disabilities may not be able to communicate symptoms well or clearly. Meanwhile, those with physical disabilities may be unaware of symptoms or chalk them up to the other pain or discomfort they live with daily. A doctor unused to working with adults with disabilities may not recognize signs that their patient is ill or miss symptoms not communicated to them. However, an in-home caregiver can recognize changes in their patient that indicate something may be wrong. They can also trace behavior patterns to help discover the root causes of irritation or discomfort. This makes an in-home healthcare provider a powerful advocate for your loved one when dealing with an illness or injury. 

Are You Looking for In-Home Care Services in Williamsport, PA?

Contact us today to discuss your loved one’s needs. Whether you are looking for respite care or a permanent caregiver for your loved one, we have multiple options for your family. 

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