Medicaid Waiver
Program in PA

Medicaid waiver enrollment and continued participation within the program can be tricky, A+ Home Care will act as your advocate to make sure you get approved for and stay approved for maximum benefits entitled to you!

  • We will walk you through the application process
  • Help you select top quality providers for all your services
  • Follow up with all state agencies to make sure you don’t slip through the cracks.

A+ Home Care is an approved PAS agency and specializes in Family/Friend Caregivers. We offer top pay rates, benefits and the ability for the caregiver to work one on one with the consumer up to 24 hours a day!

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What Is a Medicaid Waiver Program?

A Medicaid waiver program is a special provision that allows states to tailor Medicaid services to meet the unique needs of their populations. For example, the Maximus waiver program in PA helps streamline the process, ensuring more personalized and effective care for individuals who might not otherwise meet the typical eligibility criteria.

These programs provide vital support and enable individuals to receive healthcare services in their homes or communities, which can significantly enhance their quality of life. A Medicaid waiver in PA is a compassionate approach to ensure all individuals have access to the care they need regardless of their specific conditions or financial status.

Who Should Consider a Medicaid Waiver Program in PA?

Individuals With Disabilities
or Developmental Delays
Persons who experience significant physical or intellectual challenges often find Medicaid waiver programs beneficial as they tailor support to enhance daily living and community integration.
Seniors Requiring
Long-Term Care
Seniors Requiring
Long-Term Care
Elderly adults who need continuous care, such as personal assistance services or nursing home care, but prefer to stay in their homes or community settings should explore waiver options.
Low-Income Families With 
Children Having Special Needs
Low-Income Families With
Children Having Special Needs
Families struggling with financial constraints and having children with conditions like cerebral palsy or autism can benefit from the variety of services offered by waivers, enhancing the child’s life quality and development.
Adults Transitioning From
Institutional Care
Adults Transitioning From
Institutional Care
Adults moving from long-term facilities like nursing homes back to community living can use waiver programs to access necessary supportive services and residential habilitation.
Individuals Eligible for
Nursing Home Care
Individuals Eligible for
Nursing Home Care
Medicaid waivers are ideal for people who qualify for nursing facility care based on their medical or functional needs but prefer to receive care in a less restrictive environment.
Caregivers Needing Support
and Respite
Caregivers Needing Support
and Respite
 Primary caregivers experiencing caregiver stress can avail themselves of respite services and training through waivers, providing essential breaks and additional support.

The Benefits of Medicaid Waiver Programs

Home Care
Caregivers Needing Support and Respite
Improved Quality of
Care Provided
Medicaid waiver programs are a relief for people with disabilities and their caregivers. Through individual service plans, these programs offer various services, including personal assistance services, assistance with daily activities, and medication management. This leads to an improved quality of care compared to traditional institutional care.
Financial Support for
Low-Income Individuals
Financial Support for
Low-Income Individuals
For individuals meeting the financial eligibility requirements, Medicaid waiver programs provide much-needed health aid. People with limited income, including disabled adults and aging seniors, particularly benefit from these financial subsidies towards their care plans.
Personalized Care 
and Comfort
Personalized Care
and Comfort
Waiver services in PA offer an alternative to nursing home placements, allowing individuals to receive nursing care in the comfort of their homes. This results in a higher level of care provided, personal comfort, and a sense of autonomy, significantly improving the quality of life of the individuals.
Enhanced Caregiver 
Enhanced Caregiver
Medicaid waiver programs offer relief to family caregivers who face immense caregiver stress. Programs offer caregiver training, provide for the absences of caregivers, and even offer services for eligible family caregivers. This helps ensure that primary caregivers can provide optimal care at home while mitigating the risks of burnout.
Enhanced Caregiver 
Support Services
Whether it's assisting with daily living, meal preparation, providing assistive technology devices, or offering nutritional services, Medicaid Waiver programs have got you covered. The inclusiveness of these programs ensures that every individual's unique requirements, whether severe or mild, are attended to with utmost compassion and professionalism.
Streamlined Application
Streamlined Application
Medicaid waiver programs offer step-by-step guidance through the application process. From initial application and assessment visits to program eligibility and financial eligibility requirements, each stage is carefully tailored to ensure a seamless and hassle-free process for the applicants.

Community Health Choices (CHC)

Community Healthchoices is Pennsylvania’s MLTSS (Managed Long Term Services & Supports) program for all Pennsylvania’s who are elderly, disabled, or qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare. The goal of CHC is to improved the health, safety and wellness of nearly 450,000 Pennsylvanians by coordinating Health Care, Behavioral Healthcare and Long Term Services & Supports through a plan that combines all of these services. For more information on the Community HealthChoices Program, please see the links below.

Find your local Area Agency on Aging

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Information on
Managed Care Organizations

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More information on the upcoming changes within the Community Health Choices program

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Maximus Enrollment Hotline

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Complete the form below and an A+ Home Care representative will be in touch with you shortly.

Pennsylvania’s Move to Managed Care

A change has occurred across the state of Pennsylvania. Insurance companies, known as Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s) have replaced the previous waiver systems. The PA Department of Health has replaced all previous waivers with one, comprehensive program called Community Health Choices, or CHC.

The MCO’s will complete assessments which will determine the services and hours assigned to the consumers on an as needed basis.

Community Health Choices (CHC)

Community Healthchoices is Pennsylvania’s MLTSS (Managed Long Term Services & Supports) program for all Pennsylvania’s who are elderly, disabled, or qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare. The goal of CHC is to improved the health, safety and wellness of nearly 450,000 Pennsylvanians by coordinating Health Care, Behavioral Healthcare and Long Term Services & Supports through a plan that combines all of these services. For more information on the Community HealthChoices Program, please see the links below.
Home Care

Receive the care you need from the people you love and trust most.

A+ Home Care helps you stay in control in the comfort of your own home.
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